Weather 2020

Weather observations for 2020.
It has rained 180.6 mm rain in 2020.
14/05/2020 rained it most as much as 17.7 mm rain during a day.

The lowest temperature measured is 4.1 °C den 27/12/2020 and maximum temperature is measured 17/08/2020 with as much as 35.3 °C.

It has been 193 days with over 25 degrees, 86 days with over 30 degrees and 2 days with over 35 degrees.

All weather data are unofficial observations made in Old Town. The observations may be deficient.

Temperature, average 2020:
Temperature, maximum 2020:
Temperature, minimum 2020:
Temperature, maximum and minimum 2020:
Windstrength, average 2020:
Windstrength, maximum 2020:
Windstrength, minimum 2020:
Rain, aggregated 2020:

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